Zig Ziglar is a real reference in the United States. After being very successful in sales, he developed his speaking skills, and delivered amazing seminars and presentations.
In his book "Rise to the Top" Zig Ziglar summarizes his teachings about success. According to him, to achieve success is to climb a staircase made up of 6 steps.
To get to the top, you have to climb them all, one after the other.
These 6 steps are:
- self-image
- his relationships with others
- her goals
- his attitude
- his work
- and his desire.
To avoid the risk of falling, it is essential to take the steps in the correct order. It is better to focus on the very next step, before worrying about the next ones.
The content of this book is very dense; To make your climb to the top easier, in this video I have decided to cover only the first in detail.
The first step is the self-image
It’s impossible to achieve success until we have a negative opinion of ourselves, until we believe we deserve to be successful.
Also read:
the 3rd step to achieve success: its goals
the 4th step to achieve success: his attitude
the 5th step to achieve success: his work
the 6th step to achieve success: and his desire
The reasons for the inferiority complex
A negative self-image, also called an "inferiority complex", can develop for several reasons:
- negative inputs from society (such as messages of fear and hate relayed by the media)
- mockery or criticism from parents, friends or teachers during childhood about his ability, appearance or intelligence
- the tendency to confuse project failure with personal failure
- comparing with others on different talents rather than different experiences
It doesn't matter where this lack of confidence comes from: developing a good self-image is the first step in achieving success.
No one can make you feel inferior without your permission. Your foot will be placed firmly on the first step when you refuse to give this permission to anyone. At this point, you accept yourself as you are, and you will see yourself as someone who "deserves" the finer things in life.
To develop a good self-image, Zig Ziglar suggests that you take 15 small steps.
15 small steps from Zig Ziglar to develop a good self-image:
1. The first: be aware that you are already worth several million euros. The proof ?:
Insurance companies have compensation for one million euros for loss of sight or mobility. Would you be willing to trade your health for this money? Most likely not, so you estimate that your eyes and legs are already worth 2 million euros, and that's just the beginning. What then is the value of your intelligence, your emotions, your relationships?
2. The second: take care of your exterior appearance:
Contrary to the saying "clothes do not make a monk", it has been proven by several scientific experiments that the outward appearance influences self-image and performance.
To improve your inner image, improve your outer image: take care of how you dress or put on makeup.
3. The third: read the biographies of women and men who have achieved extraordinary results:
despite difficult circumstances and using what life has given them. It’s impossible not to be inspired by such success stories.
4. The fourth: listen to the speeches and presentations of those who make up humanity:
Be inspired by examples from the past, but also use the possibilities of the digital world. TED talks are a great example.
5. The fifth: build your positive image in small steps:
Start with an area that you are comfortable with and think you can master. Then transfer the early successes to other areas.
Each step will fuel your confidence and self-perception, which will improve your performance, which in turn will fuel your confidence. You have thus entered a virtuous circle.
6. The sixth: smile and compliment others:
A smile and a sincere compliment don't only do the recipient good. They instantly enrich the person who gives them as well.
Be a source of optimism and enthusiasm for your family, friends, colleagues. You and your own image will be the first beneficiaries of these good habits.
7. The seventh: do something for someone else
It will be all the more valuable if your gesture is 100% generous, if you do not expect feedback from the person receiving it.
Even better, do it for someone who can't help you. You will then receive much more of what you have given.
8. The eighth: choose the people you hang out carefully:
Make a conscious decision to spend your time with optimistic, enthusiastic people who live by values that you value. You will reap huge benefits from it.
Our thoughts and behaviors are strongly influenced by the people around us, positively or negatively. It is therefore up to everyone to choose the influences to which they wish to be exposed.
9. The ninth: list all your qualities on a piece of paper that you keep close to you.
Add to this list by asking your friends and family what they like or appreciate about you. Reread this list whenever you feel the need to.
10. The tenth: compile a list of victories, to remind you of your past successes:
This list will contain the things that you are most satisfied and proud of, from your childhood until today.
Many of the qualities necessary for TRUE success do not match the talents valued by the school system, such as your honesty, your dedication, your persistence. As you reread your list, you remind yourself that you were successful in the past, and you can do it again.
11. The eleventh: Avoid harmful stimuli that may impact your image:
It concerns examples showing the bad sides of human nature, like violence, abuse.
Literally whatever goes into your head is recorded forever, and is going to have an effect. So be careful what you let in.
12. The twelfth: learn from failure that ends in success:
There are a number of examples of people who have failed several times before achieving success. In reality, failure is the only possible path to success. We learn what works and what doesn't, and we adapt our actions accordingly.
The only difference between those who have failed and those who are successful in their life is that successful people pick themselves up after each failure, and keep trying until they are successful.
13. The thirteenth: look for opportunities to speak in public:
It can be on your job or in an association. Many people express themselves well in private conversation, but feel paralyzed at the thought of giving a speech in front of an audience. Yet, if coupled with proper preparation, this is a great exercise for improving one's self-image.
14. The fourteenth: look yourself, and look the others:
in the eyes. A direct and frank look is a strong sign of confidence, in others and in oneself.
If you are uncomfortable with other people's gazes, practice first by looking yourself in the eye and facing the mirror. Then move on to your family and loved ones when you chat with them. Finally, learn how to do it with anyone.
15. And finally, the fifteenth: improve your physical appearance if possible and desirable.
If, for example, you have a few pounds to lose, or a few more muscles to build, do it. Even if it's just your appearance, achieving these small goals will boost your self-confidence tremendously. The results will pay off the effort.
Once you have taken these 15 steps, you will have developed a very good self-image.
You will then have taken the first of 6 steps to the top.
You'll be convinced that you deserve the finer things in life, and be ready to take the next step: your relationship with others.
How do you go about fostering a good image of yourself?
What do you think are the main difficulties that risk undermining self-confidence?
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