Success isn't having money in the bank, a Ferrari, or a fancy house. Success is the gradual and continuous development of the lifestyle you have chosen. And time management is a powerful tool in achieving that goal.
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In the collection of guides summarizing his teachings, Jim Rohn presents the essential keys to mastering time management.
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Be careful, Jim Rohn first reminds us that time management is a personal choice. No one can tell you how to live; you are in control of your life.
So if time management isn't doing it for you, here's her first tip: ignore the topic.
1- The power of Choice
Unlike other forms of life, man has the power of choice.
This presents an interesting twist: all other living things are reaching for their maximum potential. A tree responds to its genetic code; there is no choice. It will grow as much as it can, grow as many roots as it can, produce as many leaves as it can. Never will a tree grow half as much as it could.
Why not the men? Because we are not a robot. We have the dignity of choice.
We have the choice to develop our full potential, or only part of it. To do just the right thing to be comfortable, or to give the maximum. No one can make us do one thing or the other.
We can take responsibility, or avoid it. Yes: you can ignore your responsibilities, but you won't feel good.
The wise old man said: "Things which taste good now in the mouth may turn bitter later in the stomach."
We must all suffer from one of these 2 penalties: the penalty of discipline, or the penalty of regret. Jim Rohn suggests choosing the punishment of discipline, because it weighs grams, while regret weighs tons.
2- Poor time management
One way to manage your time is to limit yourself to a single type of activity, which will avoid having to choose between several constraints. But choosing to prioritize something (work, career, money) over everything else can be very expensive.
The real fulfillment of life is finding the right balance so that everything has its place. This balancing act never stops.
3- Increase its value
Real time management is this: increase its own value.
Tap into your full potential so you can achieve more in an hour than what used to take a week. Increasing your value is the simplest form of time management.
A big challenge is to take things in hand, to control the situation. Either you drive your day, or it drives you.
The key is to say, "I'm going to take charge of my day, I won't let it go out of control."
It’s very easy to be distracted by things that take time, or to start something and master it for a while, and then find ourselves mastered by it. This is part of the challenge.
4- Prioritize and move forward
Here's another key that's obvious, but it's worth remembering: what matters isn't how many hours we put into something, but rather what things we put into an hour.
It can happen that we are very busy all the time, have lots of things to do, but it doesn't keep us going. We always come back to the starting point. We must not confuse movement and advance.
Set goals for yourself so you have priorities. Keep reviewing your priorities and make sure this is what you want. Differentiate the more important things from the less important things. Don't spend a lot of time on something that isn't important.
5- Focus on what you are doing
Another key to time management is focus. It takes much less time to complete a task when you are focused.
A task that takes a few minutes if you are focused, can take all day if you get distracted.
Learn not to be distracted by the phone or email. While you're doing a task, mute the phone and shut down your emails.
Another piece of advice: "no matter where you are, be there". When you are where work, work. And when you relax, relax! It happens to everyone to be at work and think that you are neglecting your family, and once you are on vacation, to think that you should be in the office to get things done!
Work is serious business. This is serious because you are trading a part of your life to economically support yourself and your family. So build yourself a reputation for being a serious person. Okay for a little joke and a cool story to take the pressure off, but stay professional.
Likewise, when you're not working, enjoy your other activities. In the morning, enjoy the shower and have breakfast. Enjoy time with your family. You will have plenty of time to work after you get to work.
6- Say no, learn and know yourself
Then: learn to say no. It is very easy to be dispersed because of social obligations. By dint of saying yes, we end up with an overloaded agenda that no longer leaves time for important things. You have to learn to say no politely.
It's much easier to say “I don't think I can, but if that changes I will contact you”, rather than saying “Yes okay” and then think about how to let the other person know that we are in the situation. inability to do so.
Another key is to analyze your strengths and weaknesses, and see how to compensate for your weaknesses by delegating to someone else. This frees up time to focus on important things.
Another tip: read books. If you need help with a specific topic, surely there is a book for it. You find plenty of time management books: write down their tips, but always take your pick.
If you work with other people, learn to ask questions before you start an activity. This saves a lot of time. Don't stop at the first question, dig deeper. Often times, the real problem doesn’t appear right away, it takes two or three questions before it arises.
7- Keep a journal and an agenda
Learn to think on paper: it allows you to solve problems. For example: keep a journal, jot down your ideas, your thoughts or the progress of your projects and exchanges with others. This habit will allow you to capitalize on your experiences.
Find the way that's right for you. For example, Jim Rohn in the beginning would mark everything on pieces of paper or the back of an envelope. But he did not benefit from it. Then he had 3 journals: a staff, one for work, and a third for his projects. It was too complicated. His solution was to have one, well-bound journal to mark everything.
Another possibility is to use electronic media, if you prefer.
One day you will be proud to have kept all your journals.
Finally, use a daily planner to write down where you need to go and who you need to meet. Get all of those details out of your head. Leave her available for more important things.
In parallel, build a plan where you put all your projects and goals, professional and personal, that you want to accomplish in the next 6 to 12 months. Then find a place for these long-term activities in your daily activities.
This is obvious but often overlooked: everyone has 24 hours in their day. The difference between the one who succeeds and the one who fails is time management. It is possible that the successful person works longer and harder.
But above all, he works smarter.
If you learn to be more efficient, you can accomplish in an hour what you did before in 10. You get a huge compound effect when you work smart.
By practicing the few disciplines presented in this article every day, you can use your time as the successful person, with focus and efficiency.
And you ? What are your keys to managing your time well?
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